We paid a visit to our good friend Jeff Leighton of Vard MFG's (a vintage motorcycle front end manufacturing company, which reproduces 1940 spec front ends for custom bike enthusiasts) bike shop to take a look at what he had in the works for next month. As few of you may know the annual Born Free Show is happening June 25th through the 26th out in Silverado, California and Jeff will be one of the folks showing his custom bike at the event, some may also be in the loop that we are also one of the sponsors for this year's show.  Jeff's been helping Blends co-founder, Mike, with his bike for Born Free, but we wanted to shed a little light on Jeff to show some of you folks what he has in store for the show.

Here's our first round with Jeff, we'll be doing a follow up before he heads out to Malaysia, Sweden, and Germany on some overseas motorcycle endeavors.

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